CoVE Greece

CoVEs description

The Greek CoVE will be established in Attica Region which is the most important Region of the country with approx. 70.000 businesses operating in the secondary sector. In terms of capacity, manufacturing is the most important sector, accounting for 80.5% of the Region's total turnover. Particularly strong is the concentration of manufacturing activity in the food, clothing and metal products industries. In addition, Attica plays the most significant role in the production of research activity, as it is characterized by a significant number of research and educational structures. 


Skills provision to evolve economic and social needs contributing to Attica region development, innovation and smart specialisation strategy; explore the full potential of VET to play a proactive role in supporting the economic and social growth. 


CoVEs Field of expertise 

Innovation & Technology, STEM and Advanced Manufacturing (Informatics Applications, Networks & Telecommunications, Software Development, Medical Equipment, Mechatronics, ICT for the Travelling Industry, Automation, Food & Beverages Technology, Heating, Petroleum & Natural Gas, Renewable Energy); Career Counselling and Guidance; Entrepreneurship.  

CoVEs Strong Points  

The Greek CoVE is established in the most important region of the country, the Attica Region. It involves a cohesive and coherent network of partners and stakeholders. It connects VET with the advanced manufacturing sector. The partners have extensive experience in European networks and implementing transnational projects.  


ASSET Technology  - Leader of the CoVE in Greece

Asset Technology was founded in 1997 under the aegis of the Ministry of Development as a high technology and know-how transfer enterprise.

The main fields of activity are:

Asset Tec demonstrates an important number of customers and collaborators in the industry and VET sector and has formed a wide network of partners, consisting of public organizations, universities, private companies and NGOs.

Since 2011 Asset is the Local Contact Point / Intermediary Organisation in Greece for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, while from 2018 it is member of and National Coordinator of the Network in Greece.

Asset Tec has implemented and maintains a Management System which fulfils the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Standard. 

Person in charge for CoVE in the leader organization

Georgios Kouklakis

 Founder and director of Asset Technology

Stylianos-Manos Andreadis

Project Manager
