CoVE Puglia

CoVEs description

Puglia Cove operates in the field of advanced manufacturing, one of the main S3 of the Puglia Region. The coordinator is ITS A. Cuccovillo Foundation, which covers the 5° level EQF training offer in the mechanics / mechatronics fields. The Puglia Cove includes 2 main full partners: FCA ITALY spa (WCM training & consultingDivision) and Arti (Puglia Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation) and several associated partners (upper secondary schools, universities, business associations, companies, Puglia region and others).


Raising the knowledge and use of new technologies related to advanced manufacturing (Industry 4.0); growing of knowledge on KETs; supporting the digital skills development processes in teachers and students; developing skills on the approach to applied research by 5° level students; establishing and increasing opportunities for joint 5th level transnational courses (mobility of students); expanding the knowledge and use of new platforms for distance learning, especially virtual laboratories; raising the offer of upskilling and reskilling courses for continuous training in companies


  • To be ATTRACTIVE: training offer that combines the know-how and creativity of the territory with the wise use of technologies;

  • To be COMPETITIVE: enhancing talents and skills; provide the appropriate combination of skills in the education system / promote partnerships between higher education institutions, research centers and businesses at regional, national and international level; promote / generate excellence by supporting synergies between research and education;

  • To be INCLUSIVE AND SAFE: promoting social innovation and inclusion;

  • To be CONNECTED: supporting the internationalization of the training offer;

  • To be INTEGRATED: maximizing synergies on regional, national and international policies and on the use of funding.

CoVEs Field of expertise

New technologies (Industry 4.0); Green Innovation, sustainable development and production in manufacturing; Transnational joint pathways design; Laboratories for practical training activities design; Methods and approaches for carrying out joint research projects with companies; Structured guidance services both inbound and outbound in connection with upper secondary schools and companies.

CoVEs Strong Points

  • Strong, wide and complementary local network composed by companies, business associations, upper secondary schools, Universities, national and cross border clusters, local and sovralocal public bodies

  • Training offer strongly connected to the advanced manufacturing sector of the Puglia Region, involving a large number of companies and in supply chain with upper secondary schools and VET providers of the whole territory

  • Specialization of the Cove on New technologies (Industry 4.0), KETs, Sustainable development, Green innovation

  • Good expertise in international projects (participation in EU framework programmes, Interreg projects etc.).


FIAC - FONDAZIONE ITS A. CUCCOVILLO - Leader of the CoVE in Puglia

ITS Cuccovillo is an Italian Foundation (located in Bari - Italy) operating in the field of postgraduate education. Its main mission is to provide highly specialized tertiary non-university education, responding to the demand for new and high technological expertise from companies. In particular, ITS Cuccovillo trains into the areas of new technologies for the Made in Italy, especially in the areas of mechanics, mechatronics, energy and housing, all areas considered strategic today for economic development and competitiveness. All actual courses have a strong orientation towards Industry 4.0 technologies. The corporate structure of the ITS Cuccovillo consists of: National Confederation of companies, University of Bari, Polytechnic of Bari, College of industrial experts graduates and a large number of important companies (multinational companies, large companies and SMEs such us GE Oil & Gas, Bosch, Getrag, Porsche, Alstom, Natuzzi, Omron, Bawer, Mermec and many others). The Italian Ministry of Education plays a fundamental monitoring and evaluation role, since ITS paths are made on the basis of specific directives given by the Ministry that also provides the final qualification to students. ITS Cuccovillo is connected at national level, through a formal network agreement, with other 8 ITS operating in the mechatronics field.

Person in charge for COVE in the leader organization

Roberto Vingiani

General Director at FIAC

Annamaria Patella

Project Manager

Giovanni Dentamaro

