
The consortium of Centers of Vocational Excellence within members

+ 800 SKILLMAN Members 

“excellence” is a result of a joint strategy

Skillman Global is a transnational platform of skills ecosystems joined by IS3 Regional Authorities and Ministries of TVET, which brings together individual CoVEs in various countries with the additional support of Skillman's partners.

The initiative is integrated in the specific strategy of the Skillman Network to promote its model of CoVEs which includes sustainability and ethical values across countries and going also outside the EU borders.

The partnership composition is very rich and aligns a comprehensive mix of complementary participating organisations that represent VET and also includes industry leaders like Fiat Stellantis, Toyota, Comau, Kohler - Lombardini and also several SMEs that are connected through some sector associations and clusters. members aims to foster strong transnational multi stakeholder collaboration with the belief that “excellence” is a result of a joint strategy. They want to strengthen either their own vocations and/or their interdependence with other stakeholders and share and implement a common path to vocational excellence for innovation and sustainable competitiveness in Advanced Manufacturing (AM).

Project strengths: a strong ethical commitment; a tested method to deploy the skills foresight exercise; a large experience of the Skillman Network’s members; SAT - Self Assessment Tool, as a unique tool to assess the excellence in TVET; strong connections with EU Tools; embedded with the Smart Specialization Strategies.

Re-engineering TVET for change

Key Success Factors

to create world-class reference points


strong and enduring relationships
between stakeholders


firmly anchorage into the frameworks of regional development innovation and smart specialisation


Integration of the activities to achieve more than sum of the parts

Values & Ethical Dimension

The network believes that particular attention should be paid to ethical and environmental principles aiming to understand and make the public reflect on the characteristics of the curricula we design today—the impact they may have on tomorrow’s society. 

Social Dimension

Green Revolution

Digital Revolution

Micro Credentials


to create and foster your local Skills ecosystem...



